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District Leadership

Simi Valley Schools Cabinet

Dr. Hani Youssef

Dr. Hani Youssef, Ed.D
District Superintendent

The Simi Valley Unified School District Board of Education is elected by the community to provide leadership and citizen oversight to Simi Valley Schools. As the chief executive officer for Simi Valley Schools, Dr. Youssef implements all School Board decisions and manages the instructional and non-instructional operations of the schools. Dr. Youssef also serves as a member of the governance team, and has responsibilities to support School Board process and decision-making.

Office of the Superintendent


Mr. Ron Todo

Mr. Ron Todo
Associate Superintendent of Business & Facilities

Mr. Todo oversees the day-to-day operations of Simi Valley Schools, and supports the educational program through the many departmental functions under his management. Fiscal Services, Food Services, Facilities & Planning, Maintenance & Operations, Risk Management, Purchasing and Student Safety & Transit are all part of Business & Facilities.

Business & Facilities


Mrs. Julie Ellis

Mrs. Julie Ellis
Assistant Superintendent of Personnel Services

Mrs. Ellis and her staff partner with all District departments, school site administrators and employee union groups to recruit, select, develop and manage a highly-skilled and diverse workforce to support the educational service and student achievement. Personnel Services works with all staff--Certificated (teaching), Classified (non-teaching) and Management.

Personnel Services


Mr. Sean Goldman

Mr. Sean Goldman
Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services

Under Student Support Services, Mr. Goldman oversees two sections. Student Support provides information on health services, home teaching and student records. Special Education provides information on Special Education classes, psychological services including assessment for Special Education services, speech and language services, occupational therapy, adaptive physical education, visually impaired services, transportation and extend school year. Mr. Goldman is also lead administrator for Justin Early Learners Academy, the District's unique preschool program for Special and General Education students and several other preschool programs.

Student Support Services


Dr. Jerry Block

Dr. Jerry Block, Ed.D
Assistant Superintendent of Schools and Programs

Dr. Block is responsible for directing, supervising, coordinating and evaluating District-level programs and personnel involved in categorically-funded programs, curriculum development, educational technology, instructional process and procedures and student assessment (preschool through Adult Education). Dr. Block provides direct support to the staff and directors of the Educational Services.

Educational Services


Dr. Jamie Snodgrass

Dr. Jamie Snodgrass
Assistant Superintendent of Instruction & Pupil Services

As part of Educational Services, Mrs. Snodgrass is responsible for attendance and discipline matters, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, interdistrict permits, curriculum, assessments, professional development and our Teachers on Special Assignment.

Educational Services


Mrs. Erin Taggart

Mrs. Erin Taggart
Director of Elementary Education

As part of Educational Services, Mrs. Taggart is responsible for supporting and supervising elementary school principals, overseeing the Junior Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten (JK/TK) programs and fielding concerns from parents of elementary school students.

Educational Services


Mr. Matt Guzzo

Mr. Matt Guzzo
Director of Secondary Education

As part of Educational Services, Mr. Guzzo is responsible for supporting and supervising the secondary school principals (middle and high schools), overseeing Adult Education and fielding concerns from parents of secondary school students. 

Educational Services