District Plans, Notifications & Complaint Procedures
- Annual Parents' Rights and Responsibilities Handbook
- Complaint Procedures: Williams Complaints, Uniform Complaints, Title IX
- Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
- School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs)
- Proposition 28 (Arts in Education)
- AB 1466
Annual Parents' Rights and Responsibilities Handbook
Each year, the Simi Valley Unified School District updates its parent/guardian handbook, the Parents' Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. This document contains laws and policies that impact our students and their families, including discipline, requirements, current laws and more. Please click on the English or Spanish version below for a PDF of the document.
2024-2025 Parents' Rights and Responsibilities Handbook-ENGLISH
2024-2025 Parents' Rights and Responsibilities Handbook-SPANISH
Referenced Links
Supplemental Documents
Complaint Procedures: Williams Complaints, Uniform Complaints, Title IX
Complaint Procedures
Williams Complaints
- Textbook concerns
- Facilities concerns
- Teacher credentialing concerns
Williams Complaints
Parents/Guardians, Students, and Teachers:
Pursuant to Education Code 35186, you are hereby notified that:
- There should be sufficient textbooks and instructional materials. That means each student, including an English learner, must have a textbook or instructional material, or both, to use in class and to take home.
- School facilities must be clean, safe, and maintained in good repair.
- There should be no teacher vacancies or misassignments. There should be a teacher assigned to each class and not a series of substitutes or other temporary teachers. The teacher should have the proper credential to teach the class, including the certification required to teach English learners, if present.
Misassignment means the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position for which the employee does not hold a legally recognized certificate or credential or the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position that the employee is not otherwise authorized by statute to hold.
Teacher vacancy means a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of the year for an entire year or, if the position is for a one-semester course, a position to which a single designated certificated employee has
not been assigned at the beginning of a semester for an entire semester.
If you choose to file a complaint alleging that any of the above conditions is not being met, your complaint will be addressed through the district’s William uniform complaint procedures as required by law. A complaint form may be obtained at the school office or district office, or downloaded from the school or district website. You may also download a copy of the California Department of Education (CDE) complaint form from CDE’s website when available. However, a complaint need not be filed using either the district’s complaint form or the complaint form from the CDE.
Uniform Complaint Procedures
- Failing to comply with State or Federal laws
Complaint Procedures
Uniform Complaint Procedures Annual Notice-ENGLISH.pdf (PDF)
Uniform Complaint Procedures Annual Notice SPANISH.pdf (PDF)
Uniform Complaint Procedures Reporting Form-ENGLISH.pdf (PDF)
Uniform Complaint Procedures Reporting Form SPANISH (PDF)
Title IX
- Severe or ongoing sexual harassment or discrimination based on sex/gender
Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
About the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
In 2013, the state of California adopted a new formula for funding public education called the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). When fully implemented, the LCFF will allocate funds based on specific student needs and will allow maximum flexibility at a local level.
As part of the LCFF, school districts must develop, adopt and annually update a three-year plan called the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). This plan will describe the school district’s overall vision for learning and establish goals for all students and specific subgroups for each of eight state educational priorities. Districts must also delineate specific actions and strategies that will be used to achieve these goals.
As part of the process for developing the LCAP, districts must consult with all stakeholders including teachers, principals, school personnel, students, bargaining units, parents, and community members. The state has clearly established the importance of stakeholder input in creating and evaluating the LCAP.
The Eight State Priorities:
Basic Services, including facilities, qualified teachers, and instructional materials
Implementation of Academic Standards, including a focus on English Learners
Course Access
Student Achievement
Other Student Outcomes
Parent Involvement
Student Engagement
School Climate
Summary of SVUSD 2024-2025 LCAP Goals
The following goals were approved by the Board of Education in May, 2023:
All students can and will learn. By expanding learning opportunities, students will receive academic support and extension as needed. All students will be prepared for college and career opportunities.
In order to impact student outcomes, all staff members will function and participate in a healthy and highly effective professional learning community. All staff members will grow and learn just as students grow and learn.
A positive home-to-school partnership is vital to student success. Our schools will be active and collaborative partners with our parents, guardians, and community to prepare our students to be the next generation of informed citizens. Our District will serve as an effective steward of the public’s funds and resources.
Our schools will provide a safe, welcoming, engaging, and comprehensive environment for all students that fosters learning and nurtures the whole child. Differences and diversity will be respected and celebrated. All students will receive support as needed to succeed inside and outside our classrooms.
School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs)
Proposition 28 (Arts in Education)
AB 1466
AB 1466 amends California Education Code section 49006 to read:
49006. (a) A local educational agency that meets the definition of a “local educational agency” specified in Section 300.28 of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations shall collect and, no later than three months after the end of a school year, report to the department annually on the use of behavioral restraints and seclusion for pupils enrolled in or served by the local educational agency for all or part of the prior school year.
(b) The report required pursuant to subdivision (a) shall include all of the following information, disaggregated by race or ethnicity, and gender:
(1) The number of pupils subjected to mechanical restraint, with separate counts for pupils with a plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. Sec. 794), pupils with an individualized education program, and pupils who do not have a plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. Sec. 794) or an individualized education program.
(2) The number of pupils subjected to physical restraint, with separate counts for pupils with a plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. Sec. 794), pupils with an individualized education program, and pupils who do not have a plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. Sec. 794) or an individualized education program.