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Trustee Kristina Pine

Board President Kristina Pine

Trustee Dawn Smollen

Clerk of the Board Dawn Smollen

Trustee Mike James

Trustee Mike James

Trustee Kareem Jubran

Trustee Kareem Jubran

Trustee Dr. Ron Resnick

Trustee Dr. Ron Resnick

The five members of the Board of Education are elected by the voters to four-year terms. Board members are committed to providing the best educational programs for all students, and the Board is responsible for the overall operation of the District. The Board-appointed superintendent, Dr. Hani Youssef, administers policy, manages the budget, supervises staff and makes recommendations concerning the District's operation.

The Board selected Trustee Kristina Pine as Board President and Trustee Dawn Smollen as Board Clerk at the annual organizational meeting, held in December 2024.


District Office Opening

The March 2018 Ribbon Cutting of the new Simi Valley Unified School District headquarters. From left: Simi Valley Mayor Bob Huber, Simi Valley City Councilman Keith Mashburn, SVUSD Superintendent Dr. Jason Peplinski, State Assemblyman Dante Acosta, SVUSD Former Trustee Dan White, Former Trustee Scott Blough, Former Trustee Bill Daniels, Trustee Bob LaBelle, Trustee Dawn Smollen.