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Dr. Sofya Bagdasaryan, Trustee



Dr. Sofya Bagdasaryan, Trustee

Dr. Sofya Bagdasaryan received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from University of California San Diego, and her graduate degrees (Master of Social Work and Doctorate) from the University of California Los Angeles. For the last 15 years, she has served as a professor of social work at California State University-Los Angeles where she teaches courses on policy analysis, community practice and research methods. She is also the principal investigator for California State University-Los Angeles' Social Work Education Center, and serves as an evaluation consultant for non-profit agencies.

Dr. Bagdasaryan moved to Simi Valley in 2009 with her family, and her two daughters attend Simi Valley schools. She was elected to the Simi Valley Unified School District's Board of Education in Fall 2020. Dr. Bagdasaryan served as Board President in 2022-2023. 

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