Dawn Smollen, Trustee
Dawn Smollen, Trustee
Ms. Dawn Smollen is in her second term on the Simi Valley Unified School District Board of Education and served as Board President in 2020. She ran for the Board because she is passionate about working on programs that benefit all children.
For more than 20 years, Ms. Smollen has been involved in different aspects of education and enrichment through her active volunteerism in the Simi Valley community. Having served in many different elected positions within the Simi Valley PTA/PTSA Council, she has been recognized with a Golden Oak and a Council Honorary Service Award for running programs that include the Junior Olympics and Every 15 Minutes.
Ms. Smollen was President-Elect of the Simi Valley Education Foundation and is still a contributing board member of that non-profit foundation.
As an involved mother of three Simi Valley Schools graduates, she fought to continue programs such as the Outdoor School. Ms. Smollen is also the mother of a child with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and she understands the Special Education challenges other families experience.
Her goals for our schools are to:
- Maintain the District’s fiscal stability;
- Continue the collaboration between the District, the families it serves, and the community; and
- To ensure that all Simi Valley Schools students are provided with the tools and experiences need to carry with them far into their futures.
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