Media and Public Relations
Welcome to Public Relations for Simi Valley Schools! We're available for questions and concerns at any time and welcome your input. Press/Media inquiries should be directed to Jake Finch (contact info to the right) and she'll ensure that you get the information or source needed. Thank you.
How to make your school's fliers rock
Make sure that every flier covers the Five Ws (Who, What, When, Where and Why).
NEVER assume that the reader will know your contact information. ALWAYS include your physical address, phone number and website.
Be direct and use active verbs.
If the flier is for an event, make sure to include all fees, if any.
Illustrations and/or photos are great to include. If you are using pictures from your campuses, make sure any students clearly shown in the pictures are cleared for media (check with your school's office to verify this). Stock photos are a great alternative and you can contact me if you’re in need of any. Also, if you “grab” an image from the Internet, make sure you’re not violating copyright. And yes, this does apply to fliers as well.
You want people to come to your event, which is why you’re creating a flier. Please include a little bit about what you’ll be doing. If it’s a concert, what will be played, in general or specifically? If it’s a festival, what activities will be scheduled?
Since most of our audiences involve families, make sure to indicate if there is a minimum age suggested, especially for performances. Some of our high school productions may not be appropriate or of interest for very young children and their parents will need to know.
Always have someone else do a quick edit to make sure there are not typos. It’s almost impossible to edit yourself.
Send a copy to ME at least a week beforehand and I’ll post it on the District and your school’s Facebook pages.
(A quick note for the question that will come: The formal word for a leaflet or handout is “flier,” but “flyer” has been used so commonly over the years that it’s now the acceptable second version of the term. But I still prefer “flier.” It was drummed into me by my old journalism teachers.)
(A SECOND quick note: This information is given for SVUSD staff to use in their efforts. Fliers from OUTSIDE companies submitted for inclusion in school materials is handled by the Educational Services Department, not Public Relations.)
Public Relations and Resource Development
Public Information Officer
(805) 279-8111 (cell & text)
(805) 306-4500, Ext. 4006 (office)