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OpenGov Budget Portal




An example of what OpenGov Portal will show:


Opengov Chart

How to Navigate OpenGov's Budget Portal

OpenGov is a financial analysis tool that allows us to provide easy-to-understand information on the Simi Valley Unified School District's financial status. All of the District's budget information is offered here, from the current year back to the fiscal year 2011-2012. With OpenGov, you can filter out the information you don't want and get straight to the information you need.

Some Tips for Using OpenGov

  • OpenGov allows you to explore current and past fiscal information for the SVUSD in simple and specific ways that you control. The main view includes a chart or graph, a legend and various filters to view expenses.
  • There are five different types of charts offering the budget data: An area graph, an area graph by percentage, a line graph, a pie graph and a table. You can change the kind of chart by choosing the chart from the upper right corner of the page.
  • The title of the chart you are viewing is at the top of the page, along with the account type selector. You can use the filter to see the data that is of most interest to you.
  • To find specific data--like a fund, school site, expense type, or any combination--use the menu on the left side panel. With these choices, you can find exactly what you're looking for and then see it in the charts. When you select "Filtered By," the data filter pops up and allows you to turn on or turn off selected filters for that category - funds, departments, expense type. 
  • Some expenses only receive funds from specific resources; If the department or expense is not funded from a particular fund, it will be grayed out.

Some General Things to Know About How California School District Budgets Work

  • SVUSD'S main fund is called the General Fund. Most of the district's day-to-day needs and activities are paid for from the General Fund.
  • SVUSD also receives "restricted" funds from several sources. These monies can only be used for the needs they were created for. In other words, if the SVUSD received money from the state of California in a special grant specifically awarded to support our career-technical education programs, we would not be allowed to use it for high school athletics. Some examples of restricted money we received annually are the State Lottery, Education Protection Account and Federal No Child Left Behind. 
  • Some expenditures or revenues do not track year-to-year. For example, there may have been an expenditure for a specific item bought in 2011-2012 that the district has not purchased since. These expenditure categories will be visible for the years in which they were used. After that, they will zero out.​

Meeting Our Goals: OPENGOV's Budget Portal

Since 2015-2016, the Simi Valley Unified School District's Board of Trustees has pledged to "maintain fiscal integrity." One major step to fulfilling this goal is providing the community access to the District's financial records through

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do the numbers come from that I'm seeing in OpenGov?

The data provided through OpenGov is the same data used to produce the financial reports that are presented to and approved by the SVUSD Board of Trustees.

Can I save the data that I'm looking for?

Yes. There are "Share" and "Download" buttons in the upper right hand corner of the main page. You can share any view on a social network or by email. There are also options to download the displayed data in .csv spreadsheet and .png formats. Also, you can copy and paste the url at the top of the page you are viewing. 

​Can I see the actual numbers within the graph?

If you hover your cursor over any area of the graph, you will see the actual or budgeted amounts for that period. Or, just scroll down to the bottom of the page to see a table under the graph with detailed information.

How do I learn more about government accounting?

Use the Help menu on the top right corner to navigate to the "Budget 101" primer. There you'll learn more about multi-fund accounting.


This data should be used for informational purposes only. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the reports and data provided; nevertheless, some information may not be accurate or up-to-date. The Simi Valley Unified School District assumes no responsibility arising from use of this information.