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Measure X Citizens Bond Oversight Committee

CBOC Opening Image

As required under Proposition 39, the Measure X Citizens Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) is charged with reviewing the expenditure reports for all Measure X projects (to ensure that no bond funds were used for District operating expenses or teacher/administrative salaries and that all funds were used only for Measure X projects); to inform the public about said expenditures of bond funds; and to prepare an annual report to the public about the whether the District is in compliance with the terms of the bond and California law along with a summary of the Committee's proceedings and activities for the preceding year. All CBOC meetings are open to the public and are duly announced beforehand. Meeting times and dates are posted on the District's homepage, at, on the Master Calendar. For more information about the CBOC, please contact Lori Rubenstein, Bond Manager, at




March 7, 2024

May 15, 2024

September 4, 2024