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Foster & Homeless Youth

Dr. Naomi Cortez
Coordinator of Learning for Diverse Populations
(805) 306-4500
Extension 4222

School Site Contacts

Hillside Middle School
(805) 520-6810

Cheri Toyen
Extension 1010

Academic Support
Matthew Kingsbury

Sinaloa Middle School
(805) 520-6830

Anna Malais
Extension 7019

Academic Support
Cheri Miller

Valley View Middle School

Taylor Lambert
Extension 1313

Academic Support
Kylie Pylman

Royal High School
(805) 306-4875

Patricia Russell
Extension 2709

Academic Support
Sylvan Tauber

Santa Susana High School
(805) 520-6800

Shawn Trowbridge
Extension 3714

Academic Support
Karen Hazlewood

Simi Valley High School
(805) 577-1400

Kyle Stransky
Extension 3714

Academic Support
Lourdes Caal

Apollo High School
(805) 520-6150

Dean May
Extension 1507

Monte Vista School
(805) 579-6326

Jessica Thunberg
Extension 2011  

Simi Institute for Careers and Education
(805) 579-6200

Nicole Pacheco
Extension 1617

Academic Support
Tammy Pugh

State & National Resources Serving Foster and Homeless Youth

Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators 
by the National Child Trauma Stress Network

Foster Care Transition for High School Youth
by the U.S. Department of Education

Guidance on Fixed, Regular and Adequate Housing
by the Los Angeles County Office of Education

Local Education Liaisons Understanding Their Role 
by the National Center for Homeless Education

Overview of McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
Adapted from Los Angeles County Office Of Education

Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Eligibility Flowchart
by the National Center for Homeless Education

Local Resources for Homeless Families and Youth

Are You Hungry?

The links below will provide information on community organizations that will feed families. 

Dinner Sites in Simi Valley

Samaritan Center Food Pantry

Still Waters Food Pantry

Do You Need Housing?

The links below will provide information on community organizations that can help families with housing.

City of Simi Valley Resources

Ventura County "Pathways to Home"

East County Housing Resources

Samaritan Center - Winter Shelter

Schools on Wheels - Tutoring

Simi Valley Samaritan Center

Simi Valley Free Clinic

Salvation Army Free Medical and Dental Clinic

Do You or Your Child Need Counseling Support Services?

The links below will provide information to support parents and families.

Crisis Referral Hotline - Ventura County Behavioral Health

211 Child and Youth Mental Health Resources

Drug and Alcohol Support Programs

Keep Safe Connections and Suicide Prevention

Interface Counseling Services

California Lutheran Counseling Services

Ventura County Community Resources

Ventura County Office of Education Resources for Foster/Homeless Families

Resources for Homeless Families in East County

School Enrollment for  Homeless Families

Foster Youth Services

Grandparent Kinship Support
Local organization supporting grandparents raising youth.

Provides information for youth, caregivers, and businesses.

Ventura County Foster Kids
Provides information on foster care and resources.

Ventura County Office of Education Foster Youth Services
Provides resources on legislation, links to local organizations, and assistance for families.

Foster Youth Education Toolkit
Provides information and resources for educational support.

Foster and McKinney Vento Youth Rights

Right to Remain in Your School of Origin

You have the right to stay in the same school, your "school of origin" after you move provided it is in your best interest. Your “school of origin” can be:

  1. The school you attended when you first entered foster care,
  2. The school you most recently attended, or
  3. Any school you attended in the last 15 months that you feel connected to. 

Right to Immediate Enrollment in School

You have the right to immediately enroll in your regular home school after you move, even if you do not have the paperwork you would normally need for enrollment (such as birth certificate, vaccinations transcript, or Individualized Education Plan-IEP).

Your previous school must send your education records to your new school.

You have the right to participate in any activities, such as sports teams, tutoring, or after-school clubs, even if you miss a tryout or sign-up deadline.

Right to Partial Credits for High School Students

If you change schools during the school year, you have a right to partial credits in all classes that you are passing, even if you do not complete the entire class.

After you change schools, your new school must accept the partial credits issued by your old school.

After you change schools, you have the right to be enrolled in the same or similar classes you were enrolled in at your last school.

Graduation Rights

You have the right to stay in high school for a fifth year to complete school district graduation requirements, even if you are over 18.

If you are behind in credits, and you transferred schools after 10th grade, AB167/216 allows you to graduate by completing only the state graduation requirements. If you are eligible, the decision is made by your education rights holder.

College Rights

You have the right to have the application fee waived when you apply to a community college in California, maximum federal financial assistance, college fees waived, and assistance for completing the FASFA.

You may be eligible for up to $5,000 per year from the Chafee scholarship.

Right to Your School Records

You have the right to access your school records if you are 16 years or older or have finished 10th grade.

Your social worker/probation officer and education rights holder can access your school records as well.

Non-Education Rights

As a foster youth, you also have other rights that are not related to school, such as the right to see a doctor or to have private storage space. For more information, please see:

Foster Youth Bill of Rights