Resources & Contacts
For documents about student safety, the suspension or expulsion process, and your student's rights, read the Parents' Rights Handbooks found in the parent portal or contact your school Principal.
Dr. Jamie Snodgrass
Assistant Superintendent Instruction and Pupil Services
805.306.4500 Ext. 4204
Parents' Rights Handbook For information on Section 504 law or services, reference the link to the Parents' Rights Handbook.
AR: SVUSD Administrative Regulations
BP: SVUSD School Board Policy
EC: California Education Code
PC: California Penal Code
School Rules
A school employee may not administer corporal punishment to any student. Each school site and the District office have copies available for parent/student inspection of the Simi Valley Unified School District’s (SVUSD) student discipline policy, which contains the District’s rules, regulations and procedures for student behavior and discipline. Teachers in the District shall hold students to a strict account for their conduct on the way to and from school, on the playgrounds or during recess.
Duties of Students: Students are required to conform to school regulations by obeying all directions, being diligent in studies, respecting teachers and others in authority, and, by refraining from the use of profane and vulgar language.
Reporting of Dangerous Objects: We encourage students to promptly report the presence of weapons, injurious objects or other suspicious activity to school authorities. The identity of a student who reports such activity shall remain confidential to the extent permitted by law. The Superintendent or designee also shall inform staff, students, and parents/guardians that students who report the presence of injurious objects on school campuses are to be protected and their identity shielded.
Parents’/Guardians’ Liability for Student Misconduct: California law holds parents/guardians liable for any willful student misconduct that results in the death or injury of any student or persons employed by or volunteering for the District. Parents/guardians are also liable for any defacement, injury or loss of property belonging to the District or to a school employee. The District will not be responsible for damage caused by any student to any item of personal property that another student brings to school.
Unauthorized Possession of Illegal Substances: It is illegal for any person to be in unauthorized possession of narcotics, alcohol, or supplementary drugs on a school campus during school hours or a school-related function.
Parent Support: All students are expected to follow the policies outlined in the Parents' Rights Handbook and parents/guardians can help them do so by:
- Reviewing the rules with your child.
- Explaining why these rules are important.
- Showing your child that safety is essential.
Requirement of Parent/Guardian School Attendance: A school district may adopt a policy authorizing teachers to require the parent/guardian of a student who has been suspended from class by the teacher for an obscene act, profanity or vulgarity, disruption of school activities, or willful defiance of the teacher’s authority to attend a portion of the school day in the classroom of his/her child. Teachers may require the parent/guardian of a student who has been suspended by a teacher to attend a portion of that school day in his or her student’s classroom. The attendance of the parent/guardian will be limited to the class from which the student was suspended. A written notice will be sent to the parent/guardian regarding implementation of this requirement. Employers are not allowed to discharge or discriminate against the parent/guardian for this requirement if the parent/guardian has given reasonable notice to his/her employer.
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Bullying/Cyberbullying: We recognize the harmful effects of bullying on student learning and school attendance and desire to provide safe school environments that protect students from physical and emotional harm. District employees shall establish student safety as a high priority and shall not tolerate bullying of any student.
No individual or group of students shall, through physical, written, verbal, or other means, harass, sexually harass, threaten, intimidate, retaliate, cyberbully, cause bodily injury to, or commit hate violence against any other student or school personnel.
Cyberbullying includes the creation or transmission of harassing communications, direct threats, or other harmful texts, sounds, or images on the Internet, social media, or other technologies using a telephone, computer or any wireless communication device. Cyberbullying also includes breaking into another person’s electronic account and assuming that person’s identity in order to damage that person’s reputation.
Corrective actions for a student who commits an act of bullying of any type may include counseling, behavioral intervention and education, and if the behavior is severe or pervasive as defined in EC 48900, may include suspension or expulsion in accordance with District policies and regulations.
Contact your school site principal to report suspected incidents of bullying or cyberbullying.