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Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)

Children reading books
  • At Simi Valley Unified School District, we work to ensure that every child reaches their fullest potential. This includes providing a curriculum that challenges and enhances the learning of our gifted students. 
  • Gifted students are identified to ensure they receive differentiated instruction that meets their needs, often referred to as “Gifted and Talented Education”, (abbreviated G.A.T.E.). 
  • Simi Valley Unified School District identifies gifted students through assessments in grades 2 through 5. 
  • The test used to determine eligibility is the Otis-Lennon School Ability test and we proctor it at a school site in Simi Valley Unified School District.
  • Parents can ask for a referral for GATE testing from their classroom teacher at the beginning of the school year or during Fall Parent Teacher Conferences.
  • Testing for GATE is done in early December. 

About GATE