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Student Support Services

Simi Valley Starts Transitional Program for Students with Special Needs

We are pleased to announce that the Simi Valley Unified School District's Transition Partnership Program (TPP) launched in August of 2018. The Transition Partnership Program builds partnerships between local education agencies and the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) for the purposes of successfully transitioning high school students with disabilities into meaningful employment and/or post-secondary education.

Statewide there are more than 100 Transition Partnership Programs administered through contractual agreements with school districts and county offices of education. Under these agreements, the DOR assigns vocational rehabilitation counselors to be actively involved with the students and local education agencies. The DOR counselor determines eligibility and provides enhanced vocational rehabilitation services for at least one year prior to the student's graduation. The local education agency provides exclusive training and enhanced vocational programming to enable students to achieve employment utilizing community-based instruction, vocational and work-site training, job placement and follow-up services upon graduation.


  • Forty percent of the DOR's transition-aged students-consumers are currently served by Transition Partnership Programs.
  • One out of two Transition Partnership Program consumers is successfully employed.
  • Over 50% of the Transition Partnership Program consumers served are Black, Hispanic, multiracial or Asian American; groups that have been historically underserved.
  • As of 2015, Transition Partnership Program consumers constituted over 20% of the DOR's total successful placements.

The Employment Specialist, coordinates the Transition Partnership Program, which is expected to serve approximately 32 Simi Valley students with special needs. Barbara Stewart can be reached at 805.306.4500, Ext. 431

Transition Partnership Program


Special Olympics 2018

Student Support Services Department

The Student Support Services Department of the Simi Valley Unified School District offers a wide variety of services to help students, staff and parents service students with special needs. We look forward to working with you and your child! Our department is here to assist with a variety of functions including but not limited to:

  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
  • Home Hospital Instruction
  • Student Health and Nursing Services
  • Special Education
  • WorkAbility Program
  • Transition Partnership Program (TPP)
  • Student Transcripts and Records

Ventura County SELPA Local Plan Revision

During the 2020-2021 school year, all member districts within the Ventura County SELPA will obtain approval within their own governing board/district and the final submission will be made to the California Department of Education (CDE) by June 30, 2021. Pending final submission to CDE, the Ventura County SELPA Local Plan will serve as an interim plan  for all member districts.

Revised Local Plan

For Parents

Drowning Prevention

Reduce the risk of drowning by using this helpful resource.

VCOE SELPA Community Resource Directory

This handbook provides a list of community support services for families of students with special needs. The handbook includes local and state organizations that are disability specific, programs providing emotional/mental/physical health services, organizations providing legal and advocacy support, recreational activities, assistive technology centers, referrals, self-help groups, therapy, transportation and internet and printed resources.

Transition Resources

Check out these great resources for students preparing for life after high school. Ventura County Special Education Local Plan Area (VCSELPA) tools are for students, parents and staff.

VC SELPA Transition to Adult Life

For Staff

Ventura County SELPA Professional Development

How Are We Doing? We welcome compliments, concerns, and suggestions for improvement. Please share your experience with us via our Survey.

Sean Goldman
Assistant Superintendent

Student Support Services Contacts


Sean Goldman
Assistant Superintendent
Extension 4302

Sallie Kleingarn
Senior Administrative Assistant
Extension 4302

Elba Balarezo
CASEMIS, SIRAS Support, Assessments
Extension 4313

Betsy Camacho
Extension 4219

Maria Lazalde
IBI Clerical Support
Extension 2359

Dallana Guzman
Transportation, Test Orders
Extension 4317

Brandee Serreno
Student Records, 504s
Extension 4308

Michael Baker
CASEMIS, SIRAS Support, Assessments
Extension 4315

Barbara Stewart
TPP Employment Specialist
Extension 4312

Amelia Carrillo
Accounting & WorkAbility
Extension 4321

Ivonee Carrion
Extension 4319

Becky Zortea
Paraeducator Program Coordinator
Extension 4309

Jennifer Gunn
Administrative Assistant  Health Services Clerk, Home Hospital Teaching
Extension 4310




Sped Olympics 2018 Gym