Private Schools
Jennifer Gunn
Health Services Clerk
(805) 306-4500
Extension 4310
Angelica Casas
(805) 520-6730
Extension 2140
Does your child attend a private school in the Simi Valley area? Do you suspect your child has an unidentified disability which is interfering with their learning? If you answered "Yes" to both questions, your child has a right to access SVUSD's Student Support Services Department for support.
Please select the scenario that best applies to your child from the options listed below:
1. Your child lives in Simi Valley and is attending a private school in Simi Valley.
In this case, you have the right to request a Special Education assessment** from our Student Support Services team. Your child may be assessed for Special Education and if they are found to have a qualifying disability, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) would be offered to you for implementation if you enroll in one of the District's public schools. If you choose to have your child remain in a private school, an Individualized Services Plan (ISP) would be developed for your child offering some support, but not at the same level as the IEP program and/or services.
2. Your child lives in Simi Valley and is attending a private school outside of Simi Valley.
In this case, you have the right to request a Special Education assessment** from our Student Support Services team. Your child may be assessed for special education and if they are found to have a qualifying disability, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) would be offered to you for implementation if you enroll in one of the District's public schools. If you choose to have your child remain in a private school, an Individualized Services Plan (ISP) would be developed by the District where the private school is located for your child offering some support but not at the same level as the IEP program and/or services.
NOTE: If your child attends a private school in Los Angeles County, the District where the private school is located is responsible for the Special Education assessment and potential ISP services. The SVUSD would be responsible for developing and implementing an IEP.
3. Your child lives outside of Simi Valley and outside of Ventura County and is attending a private school within Simi Valley.
In this case, you have the right to request a Special Education assessment** from our Student Support Services team. Your child may be assessed for special education and if they are found to have a qualifying disability, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) would be offered to you by your District of Residence for implementation if you enroll in one of the resident District's public schools. If you choose to have your child remain in a private school, an Individualized Services Plan (ISP) would be developed for your child offering some support but not at the same level as the IEP program and/or services.
4. Your child does not live in Simi Valley and lives in Ventura County but is attending a private school located in Simi Valley.
In this case, your district of residence would conduct the assessment and offer an IEP program if appropriate. If you decide to have your child remain in a private school in Simi Valley, please contact our Student Support Services team at (805) 306-4500, Extension 4303, to arrange for a ISP meeting. SVUSD would provide ISP services in this case.
** Please provide a written request for assessment to the address below. We recommend including your child’s name, age, home address, school of attendance, current grade level and rationale for the request. Rationale may include areas of suspected disability and a brief description as to the concerns you are observing. If you are unable to provide us with a written request, our office can provide with you the assistance you need to make the request.
Email your request for assessment send the request via mail to:
Simi Valley Unified School District
Attention: Student Support Services
101 West Cochran Street
Simi Valley, CA 93065
To discuss these rights, you may also phone Brian Wenzel at (805) 306-4500, Extension 4307 or contact Student Support Services at (805) 306-4500, Extension 4313.