Special Education
If you think that your child might need to be assessed, or receive special services, please discuss early intervention and assessment with your school principal. For questions or help with your child's Individual Education Plan (IEP), please contact your case manager. For questions beyond the school site, your assigned program specialist can assist you. Click here for the Ventura County SELPA Local Plan.
Sallie Kleingarn
Senior Administrative Assistant
(805) 306-4500
Extension 4302
Sean Goldman
Assistant Superintendent
Student Support Services
(805) 306-4500
Extension 4302
Simi Valley Schools Thanks Our Community Partners!
Our community partners, such as the Simi Valley Days Fair and Studio Movie Grill, voluntarily provide activities for our students with special needs. Events such as Fair Day and special movie screenings ensure access to all children in Simi Valley.
Specialized Academic Instruction is provided to students with mild, moderate and severe disabilities based on their Individual Education Plan (IEP). These services may be delivered in the general education classroom as well as in Special Education classrooms.
A Special Education disability means, according to §§300.530-300.536, a child having one or more conditions including intellectual disabilities, a hearing impairment including deafness, a speech or language impairment, a visual impairment including blindness, emotional disturbance, an orthopedic impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, or other health impairment, a specific learning disability, a deaf or blind student, or students with multiple disabilities, and who, by reason thereof, need Special Education and related services.
In addition to the eligibility criteria noted above, please note that California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 5 states:
3030. A pupil shall qualify as an individual with exceptional needs, pursuant to Section 56026 of the Education Code, if the results of the assessment as required by Section 56320 demonstrate that the degree of the pupil's impairment as described in Section 3030 (a through j) requires special education in one or more of the program options authorized by Section 56361 of the Education Code. The decision as to whether or not the assessment results demonstrate that the degree of the pupil’s impairment requires special education shall be made by the individualized education program team, including assessment personnel in accordance with Section 5634(d) of the Education Code. The individualized education program shall take into account all the relevant material available on the pupil. No single score or product of scores shall be used as the sole criterion for the decision of the individualized education program team as to the pupil's eligibility for special education.
U.N.I.Q.U.E. Curriculum
Simi Valley teachers have been trained to provide U.N.I.Q.U.E. Curriculum to their students. They are excited about the past six months with U.N.I.Q.U.E., which is aligned to teaching students with a unique range of needs our California State Content Standards.
Resources include scholarship applications, a parent toolkit for working with your child through Understood, Friends of Quinn for older students, and RTI Resource Guide for educators.
Tri-Counties Regional Center provides personal- and family-centered supports for individuals with developmental disabilities to maximize opportunities and choices for living, working, learning and recreating in the community.
Extended School Year
Extended School Year (ESY) is available to students who, as determined by an IEP team require this service to prevent regression in skills over the summer break. ESY is not meant for day care or credit recovery.